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2024 Holy Week Events


In Holy Week, we experience the beauty, sorrow, and hope of Christ’s Passion and Resurrection. Join us for all of it, if you can, remembering that without the journey of Holy Week, Easter loses its deep meaning.


Palm Sunday

Sunday, March 24

10am service in the sanctuary


Sunday begins the most sacred period in the Christian calendar as we enter into Holy Week. We gather together as a community of faith to journey with Jesus to Jerusalem, to stand with him before his accusers, to walk to Golgotha, and to stand at the foot of his cross. In a special service of lessons and hymns, we will experience the Passion together.


All are welcome to join in person or Zoom.


Maundy Thursday

Thursday, March 28

7pm service in the sanctuary

Music and Tenebrae


Gather in beloved community to break bread and share Christ’s servant ministry. Here we gather, as Jesus did with his disciples on the night of the last supper, to carry out the commandment Jesus gave his disciples then: “love one another as I have loved you.” Join us for readings, special music and the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. The service will end in darkness as we reflect on all that is lost and hope for the dawning of a new day.

All are welcome to join in person or Zoom.


Easter Sunday

Sunrise Service

Sunday, March 31

6:30am service at Rose Hill Memorial Park


A short service of hymns, meditation, and alleluias as we celebrate the good news of the risen Christ. Easter Breakfast following service.


Directions: After entering the cemetery gates, head toward the back right, 

(SW corner), of the cemetery.


Easter Sunday

Sunday, March 31

10am service in the sanctuary


Christ is Risen! Join us on Easter morning as we come together for a joyous celebration of the Resurrection. Our festival worship will include special music, scripture, readings, and an inspirational message.


Let us gather as Easter people to celebrate our risen Savior!

All are welcome to join in person or Zoom.

Rocky hill Congregational church

Whoever you are and wherever you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.

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Weekly  Worship Service (in person and via zoom)

Sundays at 10 am

805 Old Main Street, Rocky Hill, Connecticut

On-street parking around building.

Additional free parking in Town lot in rear of building.

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