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Candidating Events

July 2023

Don’t miss Candidating Sunday with Rev. David Figliuzzi on July 23, followed by a Congregational Meeting to vote on our Pastoral Search Committee’s recommendation to call Rev. Figliuzzi as our settled pastor.

  • July 21: We have an opportunity to get to know David and his husband, Rob. Join us in Chapin Hall for a casual time of food, fun, and fellowship. Pizza, salad, and beverages will be followed by a visit from Tall Man's Ice Cream. We'll have games for children of all ages. Join us any time between 5 and 8pm. 


  • July 23: Candidating Sunday at 10am. followed immediately by Congregational Meeting to vote on the Call. 


Call to Meeting

A meeting of the Rocky Hill Congregational Church United Church of Christ is called for Sunday, July 23, 2023, immediately following Worship. The meeting will be held in the Sanctuary and via Zoom. Members will be able to vote in both venues. The only item of business is to vote on whether or not to approve the Pastoral Search Committee’s recommendation to call Reverend David Figliuzzi to serve as our settled pastor. The meeting and vote will take place directly after the service. There will be a luncheon in Chapin Hall following the vote.


Your vote counts! Please try to attend!


Respectfully submitted,

Heather Collins, Clerk

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