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Election Protection


Election day is less than three weeks away and early voting is already in full swing across the country. As we prepare to partake in this year’s election process, may we all play a role in being vigilant voters! The Election Protection hotline is a national, non-partisan coalition of more than 100 local, state and national partners that work to ensure all voters have an equal opportunity to vote and have their vote count. The hotline number is available in multiple languages and is fully staffed by volunteers. Be sure to share the number to your friends, family and communities to help keep the election safe! 

  • English: 866-OUR-VOTE 

  • Spanish/English: 888-VE-Y-VOTA 

  • Arabic/English: 844-YALLA-US 

  • Asian Languages/English: 888-API-VOTE

SAMPLE TWEET: Election day is less than three weeks away and early voting is already in full swing across the country. Be sure to share the Election Protection @866OURVOTE number to ensure every vote counts! #OurFaithOurVote #FaithfulDemocracy

With gratitude for your steadfast witness,


The Our Faith Our Vote Team

Sandy, Katie, Mike, Madison, and Jessi

Click here for the full Our Faith our Vote 2020 Toolkit 

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